ICASA aims to contribute to a substantial decrease in the proportion of ADHD patients developing an addiction/substance use disorder (SUD) and to substantially improve the detection, diagnosis and treatment of patients having both ADHD and SUD.

Biography ICASA members

Johan Franck, MD PhD

Johan Franck (1960) received his medical degree in 1988 from Karolinska Institutet (KI), Stockholm. After finishing his PhD (1993) in preclinical neurobiology he trained as a psychiatrist at the Psychiatric Clinic at Karolinska. He received postdoctoral training at the laboratory of Professor Mary Jeanne Kreek, Rockefeller University (NY) in 1998-99. He is a professor at KI since 2008, firstly of Clinical Alcohol and Drug Addiction Research (adjunct) and, as of 2010, of Psychiatry (full professor) and Clinical Director of the Stockholm Centre for Dependency Disorders. He has served as elected member of the Swedish Research Council Scientific Committee for Medicine and Health and as reviewer for numerous panels on psychiatry and neuroscience. He has been a Member of the Stockholm County Council Panel for Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Drugs 2010-2012, and Chair of its Psychiatry sub-committe 2004-2012. During 2011-2021 he was a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for psychiatry at the European Medicines Agency. He was a Scientific advisor to the Swedish Prison and Probation Service 2005-2018, to the National Board for Institutional Care (SIS) 2011-2016 and member of the Scientific Advisory Panel on addiction for the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2012-2017. He has also served as reviewer for the Royal College of Physicians (UK), the MRC (UK), the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Norwegian Research Council, Helse Sör-Öst (Norway), Helse Vest (Norway), ZI Mannheim (Germany), Independent Research Fund Denmark, University of Turku and University of Helsinki (Finland). Currently he is Director of Medical Research and advisor to the executive managing board of Region Stockholm. His main scientific interests are related to the neurobiology and pharmacological treatment of substance use disorders and related comorbidities, and the reduction of stigma regarding patients with an addictive disorder.

Contact details of ICASA