ICASA aims to contribute to a substantial decrease in the proportion of ADHD patients developing an addiction/substance use disorder (SUD) and to substantially improve the detection, diagnosis and treatment of patients having both ADHD and SUD.

Upcoming events

10th World Congress on ADHD

Thursday 8th May 2025, Prague, Czech Republic
Multiple days: 8-11 May

Past events

ICASA network meeting 2018

Monday 25th June 2018, Antwerp, Belgium
We will start at 11.00 a.m. and finish at 17.00 p.m. Please find the programme here. The main part of the meeting will be discussions on the progress of the INCAS study.

IASP-2 and CASP writing sessions

Tuesday 26th June 2018 in Antwerp, Belgium. To increase the quality and accelerate the process of publications on the available data, we will work on several papers with our network members. We will discuss in sub-groups drafts of the following list of papers:

IASP-2 draft papers

  1. Prevalence of ADHD in Puerto Rican treatment seeking SUD patients, 18 years and older
  2. ADHD symptoms in treatment seeking SUD patients in South Africa
  3. Development of (clusters of) symptoms of ADHD, Conduct Disorder, ODD, SUD
  4. Nicotine use and Nicotine Use Disorders in SUD patients with and without ADHD
  5. SUD diagnoses and Substance use severity in SUD patients with and without ADHD
  6. Treatment seeking Substance Use Disorders patients with and without ADHD symptoms in South Africa

CASP draft paper

  1. ADHD symptoms among patients with SUD: A CPT trial

ICASA board meeting 2018

Monday 25th June 2018, Antwerp, Belgium
We will start at 08.30 a.m. and finish the meeting at 10.30 a.m

18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology

Monday 2nd July 2018, Kyoto, Japan
Speaker: Wim van den Brink
Title: Neurobiology of ADHD and comorbid substance use disorders

Second annual conference of the Australian ADHD Professionals Association

Saturday 28th July 2018, Sydney, Australia
Speaker: Dianne Grocott
Title: ADHD and Substance Abuse issues
Session: Concurrent Session 2: Adult

Congress Institut de Psychiatrie Amiens

Friday 28th September 2018, Amiens, France
Speaker: Wim van den Brink
Title: Treatment of dual diagnosis patients

Congres 'Nieuws onder de Zon'

Tuesday 16th October 2018, Paramaribo, Surinam
Speaker: Wim van den Brink
Title: Verslaving en psychiatrische comorbiditeit: epidemiologie, neurobiologie en behandeling

Jaarsymposium NISPA

Thursday 29th November 2018, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Speaker: Wim van den Brink
Title: Verslaving en ADHD: Voorkomen, mechanismen, preventie en behandeling

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkundeevent (DGPPN congress 2018)

Friday 30th November 2018, Berlin, Germany
Speakers: Mathias Luderer and Franz Moggi
Title: ADHD and Substance Use Disorders – how to find fidgety Phil and what to do then?
Session: Workshop Update Addiction Medicine

ICASA network meeting in January 2019

Monday 28th January 2019, Barcelona, Spain
The next ICASA network meetings will be held 28th/29th January 2019 in Barcelona, Spain. Please save the dates, if you are an ICASA participant. If you are interested in joining our network, our future studies or the network meeting in Barcelona, please contact us.

We will discuss the INCAS project, and we will talk about the next multi-site project we hope to start after the INCAS project is finished. We will update the information on the meeting in Barcelona here.

7th World Congress on ADHD
Symposium RC-02 - International colloboration on ADHD and substance abuse: New research on ADHD and substance abuse

Wednesday 24th April 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
Cleo Crunelle, Brussel, Belgium
Geurt van de Glind, Utrecht, The Netherlands


01 International consensus statement on diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in patients with substance use disorders
Speaker: Cleo Crunelle, Brussel, Belgium

02 Adult ADHD and its association with substance use and substance use disorders in young men
Speaker: Meichun Mohler-Kuo, Zurich, Switzerland

03 Diagnosis of substance use disorders and the severity of substance use disorders in patients with and without ADHD
Speaker: Romain Icick, Paris, France

04 Antisocial personality disorder in patients with substance abuse disorders with and without ADHD

Speaker: Geurt van de Glind, Utrecht, The Netherlands

7th World Congress on ADHD

Thursday 25th April 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

25th-28th April 2019, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Portugal
Information and registration: www.adhd-congress.org
Contact: adhd@cpo-hanser.de

Suchtsymposium «ADHS und Sucht»

Thursday 10th October 2019, Bern, Austria
Tag der psychischen Gesundheit
13:00-17:00 h Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPD)
Bolligenstrasse 111, 3000 Bern 60
Festsaal - Wirtschaftsgebäude

More information

ADHD & Verslaving

Thursday 24th September 2020, Rode Hoed, Amsterdam
Dit congres wordt tot nader order uitgesteld. In oktober 2020 wordt besloten of, wanneer en waar dit congres gehouden zal worden.
Chairs: Prof. Arnt Schellekens and prof. Johan Franck.

Verslaving en ADHD komen vaak samen voor, maar worden veelal niet in deze combinatie herkend én behandeld. Dit terwijl een gecombineerde aanpak van beide stoornissen beduidend effectiever is gebleken. Op dit symposium wordt door prominente sprekers de meest recente wetenschappelijke en klinische kennis samengevat om anno 2020 deze comorbiditeit te herkennen en in behandelingen aan de orde te stellen.

ICASA Network Meeting

Thursday 20th January 2022, Online
The next ICASA Network Meeting will take place on January 20th 2022, 4.00-7.00 p.m. CET (Amsterdam time). Due to restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be organised online.

ICASA Network Meeting

Tuesday 7th June 2022, Paris, France
We are happy to announce the next ICASA Network Meeting! After two years of the online gatherings now we will have the opportunity to meet again in person. The ICASA-Paris 2022 Network Meeting that will be held between 7th - 9th June 2022 in Paris at Sainte-Anne Hospital. During these three days we will discuss current work and developments of the ICASA network and plan future projects. The last day of the conference will be completed with the symposium on "ADHD and Substance Use Disorders".

ICASA Network meeting

Wednesday 1st February 2023, Online
The main part of the meeting will be on the writing progress of the INCAS study.

EPA 2023

Saturday 25th March 2023, Paris, France
Multiple days: 25-28 March
31st European Congress of Psychiatry (epa-congress.org)

9th World Congress on ADHD

Thursday 18th May 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Multiple days: 18-21 May
Speakers: Arnt Schellekens, Cleo Crunelle & Christoffer Brynte
International Congress - ADHD Federation (adhd-federation.org)

ICASA Network meeting

Wednesday 14th June 2023, Paris, France
Multiple days: 14-16 June

ICASA Network meeting

Wednesday 15th November 2023, Online
The main part of the meeting will be on the writing progress of the INCAS study.

Contact details of ICASA